Thursday, November 13, 2008

Going private

I have decided to privatize the blog. It's sort of a scary thing to google your name and see your blog, with your family and basically your life's story pop up.

So please let me know if you would like access and leave me your email address, even if we don't know each other that well I won't think it's weird -I promise. (We all blog stalk right?) I will try to add most of my email contacts, but if you and I don't regularly email, please leave your address and I'd be glad to invite you.



Lorna said...

I want to be included.

Chrystal said...

Include me too please. Thanks:

alisa and sometimes brandon said...

Hook me up. :)

akesler at gmail dot com

kat said...

I don't know if you've already done this, but there is a setting where you can choose not to have your blog show up on google and other search engines. I googled myself to see, and nothing from my blogspot blog showed up in google..however, your post from when we went to Nauvoo together showed up, and another post from my old blog that was supposed to be blocked from search engines too showed up.

So it's probably just better to be safe than sorry. I just try not to put anything too personal on, but it's easy to forget that anyone in the world could be looking at your blog. It is kind of scarey. I'm not going private yet, but I probably will someday when I have kids.

Aaron & Amy Norton said...

you better invite me and you better know my email-i'm your worst blog stalker..rarr!

Aaron & Amy Norton said...

how's the "human baby" feeling these days?

Courtney said...

Could you email me your mailing address? I want to send you a Christmas card....
